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“Let the ritual deliver the medicine to achieve the healing”

Sound Ceremonies


Joanne Muir and Travis Lacey

Joanne Muir, Shaman, and Licensed Bodywork Practitioner along with Travis Lacey of Rhythm & Sound Journeys - Musician and Master Sound Healer create a unique and breakthrough experience for all who attend. 

Since the beginning of time, man has practiced sacred rituals for reasons of worship, healing, rites of passage, and celebration.  This art and sacred practice have lessened in our modern world, and the effects of that, apparent in our collective and individual lives.  


Sound medicine’s roots run as deep as the sacred practices it is used in, and beyond.  From biblical scripture such as, “in the beginning was the word”, to modern science claiming that sound can move faster than light, kill viruses, and change DNA, this medicine has been called, ‘the medicine of the future’ for many reasons.


The future is here.  Sound is reaching so many with its loving and powerful effects and Its ability to expand the body/mind.  It opens the body to the power of cellular movement whilst releasing stuck patterns and limitations.  It is helping so many raise their vibration and know the power they have to heal.  Combined with sacred intention and the power of collective ritual in ceremony, this medicine is limitless.  

Unlike traditional sound ceremonies using only sound, these ceremonies not only combine the transformational effects of sound but add an experienced bodywork practitioner's touch for an even more powerful and breakthrough experience. 


Suggested attire is comfortable clothing and to come ready to relax, receive, and remember! 



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